Monday, May 19, 2008

Sunday Mass in Rome

Chiesa di Gesu e Maria

Our Sunday mass was at The Church of Jesus and Mary. The Mass was a diologue mass in the extraordinary form brought to us by the Institute of Christ the King.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A brief interruption.

The author of this blog traveled to Rome the first week of March. Ideally, the author would have completed all my posting on that subject by now. That has not happened. The author, me, doesn't travel much. But he has traveled, since then, to Treasure Island, Florida and he might be posting bit about that in the future as well. Beyond that, he may post on his travels to Walgreen's, Pick n Save, Saint Anthony Church, Bay View, or his own backyard.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Saint Praxedes Basilica

Santa Prassede
One of the most interesting Churches was the church we visited on the very first day, Saint Praxedes. Reconstructed in 822 AD. The Crypt (apply at the Sacristy) with sarcophagi and a 3rd century altar. Chapel of S. Zeno, one of the most important monuments (Byzantine) in Rome. It was a rainy day and we had inadvertently stumbled upon it.

The basilica filled with beautiful mosaics. Below is an icon that represents Paschal I, whose pontificate started in 817 and lasted until 824.
Below is the mosaic that is seen from the ground up toward the apse bowl Below is a bennu or phoenix with a small bright nimbus. This Symbolic bird from the Nile valley is the emblem of the rising and setting or the sun, of birth and rebirth. Christian Culture has made it the emblem of the Christ-son, born and resurrected and of the resurrection of Christians in him. As you see in the above picture, near the feet of the bystanders flows the Jordan River.

Below, is the mosaic of Paschal I. The square, rather than the circle,
above his head, represents the fact that he was still among the living
when the mosaic was completed.

More on the Basilica of St Praxedes and theses pictures later.